Selected Poems
Walt Whitman and 1 more
Not Available
Karl Shapiro and 2 more
Edna St Vincent Millay and 1 more
American Wits
John Hollander
Yvor Winters and 1 more
Poems and Poetics
Edgar Allan Poe and 1 more
Kenneth Fearing and 1 more
Muriel Rukeyser and 1 more
John Greenleaf Whittier and 1 more
New and Selected Poems
Samuel Menashe and 1 more
New & Selected Poems
Samuel Menashe and 2 more
John Berryman and 1 more
William Carlos Williams and 2 more
Poets of the Civil War
J D McClatchy
Theodore Roethke and 1 more
Emma Lazarus and 1 more
Edith Wharton and 1 more
The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks
Gwendolyn Brooks and 1 more
A R Ammons and 1 more
Selected Lyrics
Cole Porter and 1 more
Louis Zukofsky and 1 more
Carl Sandburg and 1 more
Kenneth Koch and 1 more
James Agee
James Agee and 1 more
Stephen Foster & Co
Stephen Collins Foster and 1 more
Collected Poems
Countee Cullen and 1 more